Career Counseling
We are ready to help you achieve your career goals and set you up for success! Through our Office of Career Advancement, we are available to advise you on a variety of career-related skills, including:
- Job Search
- Mock Interviews
- Resume/CV & Cover Letter development and review
- Any other career-related concerns
- ProfsJobs to access resources like CareerShift (search by keywords & zip codes) and GoinGlobal (international jobs)
Shirley Farrar, M.A., CCC, M.A.
Career Counselor
Office of Career Advancement
Email me directly to assist you and/or schedule an appointment for career advisement.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Spring 2025 - TBES Virtual Pop-Up Resume Development Workshops
Dates: Jan. 22; Feb. 5, 19; March 12, 26; April 9, 23
Flyer: view flyer
Zoom Link: click for link