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Curriculum - Anatomical Sciences

The Certificate in the Anatomical Sciences (for students who already have their Ph.D. degree) is a 21-credit program while the Master of Science (M.S.) in Anatomical Sciences degree is a 32-credit program. All five courses are required for the Certificate. These five courses plus an additional four required courses make up the Master of Science degree. You can finish our comprehensive anatomical sciences curriculum in as few as four semesters for the Certificate and five semesters for the Master of Science.

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Certificate Courses (21 credits)

  • Clinically Integrated Human Anatomy
  • Human Anatomy in Diagnostic Imaging
  • Human Developmental Anatomy
  • Neuroanatomy: Structure & Function of the Vertebrate Nervous System
  • Teaching Practicum in Human Anatomy Dissection I, II, and III

M.S. Courses (all Certificate courses plus these; 32 credits)

  • Histology I
  • Histology III
  • Systems Biology
  • Topics in Pathology