Frequently Asked Questions
We do not have set minimum scores for admission to the MBS program. All complete applications are reviewed by our admissions committee. Each piece of the application is reviewed when making admissions decisions. Our incoming student average is a 3.25 GPA and 496 MCAT but these are not requirements to apply to the program.
The program is 30 credits and can be completed in three semesters. Time to degree largely depends upon the individual student. For example, those who have outside commitments such as work, parental/child care, are commuting, or who need to overcome significant undergraduate academic deficiencies, are encouraged to take fewer credits a semester and will therefore complete the program in a slightly longer time-frame.
If you have earned 18 credits of courses (12 credits of required and 6 credits required or electives), you can contact our office to transfer to the Certificate in the Biomedical Sciences and close your chapter with TBES. If you have earned all eight required courses (24 credits), you may be able to transfer six credits from medical school to earn the MBS degree.
The majority of our applicants apply to the Masters program to be most prepared for medical school or other professional schools. The admissions criteria is identical for both options.